Home Authors Posts by Kate Hughes

Kate Hughes

Kate Hughes, Editor, LODGING Magazine

Extended Stay America’s Sustainable Renovations

In 2012, Americans threw away 251 million tons of trash, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Many Americans are stepping up to reduce the amount of waste thrown out at home through recycling...

The Secrets of Guest-Satisfying Hotel Brands

If Chip Bell could have any job, it would be a hotel concierge. “Hotels, to me, are the most exciting business on the planet,” says Bell, a customer service guru and best-selling author who...

Calorie Count Legislation Transforms Menus Nationwide

The hospitality industry is already acutely aware of the far-reaching effects of the FDA’s 2010 legislation requiring restaurants that are part of a chain of 20 or more locations to list calorie information on...

Retrofitting Hotels for Energy-Efficient Lighting

There is no question, LED lights are here to stay. They’re more energy efficient, last longer, and are better for the environment than standard lights. For hotels, where lighting incurs significant costs, these qualities...