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AHLA: Hotels to Generate Record Levels of Tax Revenue and Wages

WASHINGTON—U.S. hotels are projected to generate record levels of federal, state, and local tax revenue this year while paying employees historic totals of wages,...

AHLA Foundation: Hotel Industry Jobs Projected to Outpace Market Job Growth

WASHINGTON—Recent research commissioned by AHLA Foundation, the charitable arm of the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA), projects robust demand for hotel industry jobs...

Industry Groups Celebrate National Hotel Employee Day

WASHINGTON—Leaders of hotel industry groups, including the American Hotel & Lodging Association, the Asian American Hotel Owners Association, the National Association of Black Hotel...

AHLA: 8.3 Million U.S. Jobs Are Supported by Hotels

WASHINGTON—U.S. hotels support 8.3 million jobs, which is equivalent to nearly one in 25 U.S. jobs, according to an economic analysis released by the...