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Tag: Washington Dispatch

Restoring the NLRB to its Rightful Role of Umpire

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) needs to be restored to its rightful role of umpire instead of advocate. To do that, I have...

Election Results Will Impact Important Policy Issues

Election Day is fast approaching. As with every election cycle, voter turnout is a major concern for Republican and Democratic candidates alike. Midterm elections...

Lodging Industry is Hiring, and It Offers Good, High-Paying Jobs

The hotel industry always has been a job creator. And that’s the case now, more than ever. With Labor Day behind us, we are...

Working Across Party Lines Cuts Through Roadblocks to Growth

As a first-generation Indian American born and raised in California, I owe much of my success to my parents, who came to the United States...

AH&LA Commends House Committee Progress on TRIA Reauthorization

The House Financial Services Committee today passed the TRIA Reform Act of 2014 (H.R. 4871). Katherine Lugar, AH&LA president/CEO, said reauthorization of the terrorism...