Lodging Daily News

One-Night Stands Are Expensive

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 2, 2011
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On paper, the formula for success at an extended-stay hotel is very sound. By accommodating guests for an extended period of time, these properties are able to “cover up” the soft spots on their calendars and achieve extraordinary annual levels of occupancy. In addition, the combination of limited services and amenities leads to increased employee productivity and high profit margins. As PKF Hospitality Research (PKF-HR) has noted in previous analyses, niche lodging products will achieve

60-Second Profile: The Man Behind the Plan

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 2, 2011
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It’s been 20 years since Hoyt Harper II answered the advertisement in The Chicago Tribune that would change the direction of his career. At the time, the Milwaukee native was working as an admissions counselor at Marquette University. “A travel company was hiring people to work in resorts,” he recalls. The travel company turned out to be Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, and Harper got the job and left Wisconsin for the sun and beaches of

Small & Independent Hotels: Finding Alternatives

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 2, 2011
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Often, independent properties are family-owned businesses. Whether through a bank or SBA mortgages, their entire worth is rolled into the venture. Many of these owners have worked a lifetime for their businesses, which have provided comfort and pride in the good times, and required cutting back in the lean years. But the game has changed in this last economic downturn. Early on, many of these independent owners were mortgaged in small, community banks where decisions

Four Questions For: Jackie Collins / Area Vice President, Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc.

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 2, 2011
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Trouble can often be lurking for hotels. The transient nature of the business creates a great deal of unforeseen risks. Jackie Collins, area vice president at Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc., has seen how these dangers can cause havoc for hotels. While she believes you can never be totally prepared, especially when it comes to natural disasters, hoteliers create their greatest risks by not having sufficient risk management plans and policies in place.

International Travelers Mean Business

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 2, 2011
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The American Hotel & Lodging Association is continually examining policies that will produce the best environment to expand the lodging business. The Travel Promotion Act planted a flag firmly in the international market, and for good reason—there are incredible opportunities to attract new visitors from overseas. President Obama established a goal of doubling exports by 2015, and international travel remains a major growth market to achieve this target. Attracting more international visitors means more jobs