Lodging Daily News

PCI Compliance: What Is It?

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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Small and independent properties have many operational challenges that large properties and chains don’t because they have entire organizations dedicated to managing their operations. This is especially true when it comes to subjects such as Payment Card Industry (PCI) awareness and compliance. PCI compliance is an area where small and independent hotels rely heavily on professional industry associations such as AH&LA and state associations to provide advice, guidance, and education. This is a very complex

60-Second Profile: Bernie Moyle, Vantage Hospitality

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 30, 2011
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Bernie Moyle didn’t intend to start a hotel brand when he graduated law school at Nova Southern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “I was dragged into it kicking and screaming by Roger,” he jokes about his longtime partner Roger Bloss. But since 1999, Moyle and Bloss, with the help of several other associates, not only started Vantage Hospitality, but also created one of the more innovative and fastest- growing franchise brands in the industry. A

Another Dimension

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 22, 2011
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Given that a lot of hotel companies only recently made the switch from old CRT-style televisions to flat-panel displays, and many are still changing over to a high-definition platform, the widespread adoption of 3D models in guestrooms appears far off in, well, another dimension. “I think it’s something you’re not going to see for a long time in hotels,” says Chuck Marratt, vice president of information technology at MTM Luxury Lodging. One of the luxury

Ready for Service

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 3, 2011
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What started during the days of Prohibition, before there was even a Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, has now become a traditional event that is highly anticipated by the school’s alumni and industry professionals around the country. The Hotel Ezra Cornell was held for the 86th year, and this edition of the student-run hotel conference featured discussions on the biggest topics of the day from some of the most prominent names in the hospitality

Faster & Cheaper

Posted by LODGING Staff on  June 3, 2011
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Exploding demand for guest Internet access is forcing hotel owners and managers to look for sources of faster, cheaper service. On that score, there’s both good news and bad news. The good news is that telecom bandwidth is cheaper than ever. A rash of new suppliers for Internet access—from cable companies to new types of specialized telecom carriers—is seizing the opportunity. They may already be knocking at your door. And advanced technologies are better suited