Lodging Daily News

Target the Right Audience

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 5, 2011
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As we all know, there are two types of guests: business and leisure. Since each has very different needs, separate your marketing dollars and use these AH&LA member discounts to segment your marketing message and attract both types of guests. Leisure Travelers: USA Today As an AH&LA member, take advantage of an exclusive 25 percent discount on advertising in USA Today’s Travel Today feature, which runs every Friday in the Destinations & Diversions section. Surrounded

60-Second Profile: Evens Charles, Frontier Development and Hospitality Group

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 5, 2011
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Evens Charles likes to compare his career to the game of Monopoly. “I’m trading in houses for hotels,” the Washington, D.C., native says. Charles didn’t set out to own hotels when he began his career in real estate. In fact, he was focused on the residential housing market at the time. “About 11 or 12 years ago I started investing in residential real estate in Philadelphia, and slowly began to convert into more commercial properties,”

4 Questions for Michael Achenbaum, Gansevoort Hotel Group

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 5, 2011
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As the industry continues to see signs of economic recovery, companies like Gansevoort Hotel Group are revamping their growth and expansion plans. Michael Achenbaum, president and CEO of Gansevoort Hotel Group, says his company is working on several deals to add hotels to its portfolio, which currently consists of three properties: Gansevoort Meatpacking NYC, Gansevoort Park Avenue, and Gansevoort Turks + Caicos. Gansevoort’s vision is to leverage established infrastructure, scalable operations, and flexible business models

Feast on This

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 3, 2011
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Resorts all over the world are carefully designed and constructed to impress and delight guests from the moment they step into the lobby. Restaurants and bars are no exception, as resorts are dramatically changing and upgrading the interiors and exteriors of their dining options to ensure they represent an attractive and central focal point within the property, and not just a ho-hum place to grab a snack or a beverage. James Geier is president and

Better Buildings

Posted by LODGING Staff on  September 27, 2011
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In his 2011 State of the Union address, President Obama presented his vision for improving energy efficiencies in commercial buildings by launching the Better Buildings Initiative. This initiative challenges chief executive officers, university presidents, state and local government leaders, and others to make a public commitment to improve the energy efficiencies in their buildings by systematically upgrading their facilities. The challenge’s overall goal is to make buildings 20 percent more energy efficient by 2020. The