Lodging Daily News

The Technology ‘Ecosystem’

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 26, 2011
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When people speak of ecosystems, they’re usually discussing animals, plants, and the overall environment. On a hot afternoon in Phoenix, Ariz., Kristin Intress, CEO of InnLink, a maker of central reservation system (CRS) technology in Hendersonville, Tenn., is discussing “ecosystems” in an entirely different manner. While at The Lodging Conference at the Arizona Biltmore, Intress is rehashing how she and her company became involved with the LINQ360 Innovation Lab in Las Vegas, Nev. LINQ360 is

Under Pressure

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 26, 2011
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Now that California’s new Green Building Standards Code (also known as CALGreen) has officially gone into effect, many industry leaders believe the code will eventually affect the design, construction, and specification of plumbing materials for new hotel projects on a national level. However, questions remain about its long-term impact on business and the guest experience. Background. Without question, CALGreen is complicated legislation. It requires residential and commercial developers to implement a wide range of sustainability

Comp Sets Revisited

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 26, 2011
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The history of competitive sets stems from the late 1980s when STR wanted to create a way for hotels to safely and legally share data in a manner that would allow hotels to effectively benchmark their performance against similar hotels. STR Analytics, a consulting branch of STR, is currently studying more than 36,000 global primary comp sets to help answer hoteliers’ questions about their comp sets and all the financial implications tied to the imperfect

Conference Center Recovery

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 26, 2011
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In 2009, all segments of the lodging industry struggled. However, the combined impact of the economic recession and the demonizing of corporate meetings resulted in an even more dramatic falloff in performance for conference centers. Now, as the U.S. lodging industry has turned the corner and proceeded up the recovery slope of the business cycle, the fortunes of U.S. conference centers have improved as well. Unit-level profit growth was a modest 5.4 percent in 2010,

On Privacy, Cookies, And The Future

Posted by LODGING Staff on  October 26, 2011
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Internet privacy has been “the next big issue” for more than half a decade. During that time, the Internet has developed into an incredible tool to sell and market our industry, with U.S. retail e-commerce sales totaling $165.4 billion in 2010, a 14.8 percent increase over 2009. In the wake of the voicemail and e-mail hacking scandals in Great Britain this summer, privacy is a hot topic on Capitol Hill. In July 2011, two subcommittees